Thursday, May 6, 2010

"The Garden"

"The Garden" is a prime example of a community coming together to explore an alternative lifestyle. They utilize TEK (traditional environmental knowledge) in the urban center of South Central Los Angeles forming a 14 acre communal garden. Families work the land, teach and learn from one another, and create better lives for themselves. I would think these are the people our country would want to follow. The South Central Farmers' efforts of maintaining the monumental garden is thwarted by business and government.

The film goes on to tell their accounts of a tireless struggle, push to raise awareness, and their fight for what they believe in. Their story was inspiring and an eye opener. Before watching the movie I was unaware such a place existed and it showed me the harm government can do to such communities. Bulldozing away such a treasure for a factory that has yet to be built... I hope you find time to watch this film. Below is a link to their site and a preview of the academy award nominated film, "The Garden".

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this film, it was good and something new that i didn't know about. I am now aware of more things that are happening around me concerning the enviroment then i knew before. With this film it really upset me that things like this can happen and people can get away with ruining other people's lives. Like you were saying it it is related to TEK, this South Central Community lived and put there whole heart into the community to keep the spirits and faith alive among them. They grew up gardening and helping one another keep their families out of proverty, but when the power to survive is taken away what do you do... well what they did was think, communicate and then act. I liked how they took charge and matters into their own hands to keep the garden alive, but even if your not a winner in the end, just knowing your a fighter helps keep your community strong.

