Thursday, May 6, 2010

Some Thoughts

I have never had much experience harvesting my own food. Only at a young age did my family select seeds at the local K-Mart and attempted to create a garden in my backyard. From that point on, thought about where the food on the table came from did not cross my mind. I knew the exploitation of people and the environment existed, but sad to admit, I turned a blind eye to it all. It is my belief that most people do as I have. We buy from the grocery store with only thoughts of comparing prices, calculating which apple is the better steal.

Karl Marx believed "the commodity to be a representation of capitalism: alienation, exploitation, estrangement. Objects are the product of human labor organized by capitalism and an embodiment of labor relations." (De Leon, Jason. University of Washington - ARCHY 269 spr 10') A Marxist approach explains some of the reasoning behind the Environmental Justice Movement from a capitalist, production angle (EJM). We consume without considering racial discrimination against workers, those workers being underpaid, working in horrible conditions, and more. More people need to be made aware of these issues and steps need to be taken to eradicate such environmental injustices.

I thought a look through Marx's eyes would enlighten some to the injustices out in the world. What are some of your thoughts and opinions on this subject? When I take a Marxist approach to this subject it saddens me to know the apple I just bought may be tied to the exploitation of workers.

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